

A Magical 17 with Enchanted Kingdom: Cast Members share their Spinning and Rocking Years at EK

“You do your best work if you do a job that makes you happy.” -Bob Ross
Theme zones bustling with smiling faces at the park. Quiet corners and laughter lounges at the Makati Sales Office.  Everyday, Everyday ring tones. Phone calls, computer taps and mouse clicks. Project proposals, GP analysis and BSC reports. Meetings, meetings, and more meetings. Just your typical setting at Enchanted Kingdom’s workplace.

But away from the hustle and bustle of everyday work, what makes a job well worth it?

Meet some of the Cast Members who have been with the Enchanted Kingdom for 16 years as they share their long memorable years with the corporation.

Henry Henares, Asset Mgt. Specialist, WAM-COMPTROLLERSHIP says that he did not make a mistake when he chose to work and build his life around Enchanted Kingdom 16 summers ago. Enchanted Kingdom lives up to its purpose of creating magical moments and making people happy.

"I love EK and I love the environment. I know God gave this job just for me", shares Henry.

As for Linus Jose Lopez from Office of the Head, going on his 17th year with Enchanted Kingdom, “I never thought of quitting my job.”
"I was touched and teary eyed when I watched the first fireworks display and heard the theme song of EK playing in the background. I am so proud to be a part of this first and only world-class theme park", says Agueda “Dang” Guerra of Sales Department.

Glady Z. Angeles of Cash Control and Management Services will never forget the care and quick response of Enchanted Kingdom's safety personnel when her water bag broke two weeks before her expected delivery. She could not have felt safer that day.

"Enchanted Kingdom was very supportive when the management allowed me to continue my studies while working here. I am very thankful, happy and blessed", Carlos C. Lunas, EEP Business Development.

Cheers to Club 17!

With Enchanted Kingdom, it is not just a regular eight-to-five job with papers and deadlines to conquer. The recipe in staying long and happy with a company is learning to love the people and the workplace, embrace the challenges and grow with the vision together.

"It’s fun working at EK.  It is the healthy work environment and team work of co-cast members, the support of management in helping us achieve personal and career growth, the good treatment of management, and the changes being made for the improvement of the quality of work and personality of everyone that makes me feel young whenever I am at the vicinity of Enchanted Kingdom", says Esperanza M. Escape, SH - Billing & Payable.

Wilma Claros-Manuel of Internal Audit Services, in her first year with Enchanted Kingdom did not know what to expect from working at a theme park, but later on, enjoyed everything about the company especially the familial culture. On her 17th year, she considers Enchanted Kingdom her second home.

"I always feel like a kid when working here. There are ups and downs just like a roller coaster ride, but God is very present here. I love how the Cast Members support the company as well", says Amor Tan Castillejo of Rides and Attractions.

Danilo R. Daygon of Group Sales Service shares his motivation, “I choose EK because I wanted to be part of the only world class theme park in our country”.

"All I wanted was a regular job that would sustain my family and studies, but I found something more – a family", says Roderick Hara, Section Head of Rides and Attractions Division.

Enchanted Kingdom creates significant friendship amongst its Cast Members as attested by the interviewees. It is a place where you would want to be.

The Stunning Breakthrough

Assistant Manager to Officer-in-Charge for Rides and Attractions, Ronan Prudencio, and HRDM Section Head, Lilia Prudencio's most magical moment with Enchanted Kingdom as husband and wife was when they both got promoted. To the lovely couple, Enchanted Kingdom is indeed a second family.

For Lorena Jacob of In-Park Food & Beverage, the most memorable experience she had with Enchanted Kingdom was when typhoon Ondoy badly damaged the company and the homes of most of the employees. It was then that all the departments formed a BALIKATAN to aid and help one another.

One magical breakthrough for Alfredo Bungubung from Rides and Attractions was when Enchanted Kingdom became the bridge for him and his wife to meet. Just like other Cast Members, he did not know what to expect from working at a theme park, but Alfredo loves Enchanted Kingdom and he is here to stay for more years.

After a tiring day, Veronica Almenar, Executive Secretary of HRMAS Division never forgets to smile. To her, working at Enchanted Kingdom is simply magical. Stress and exhaustion is no match to the "bayanihan" and familial culture that the company and employees give. "There is a certain incomparable happiness here. 17 years of being with Enchanted Kingdom is without a doubt, the most memorable experience I ever had. And now, I'm looking forward to counting more years of magical happiness", she sentimentally shares.

Enchanted Kingdom became home to many Cast Members, both in good and hard times. This magical place is not just a theme park that paints smiles on the faces of its park guests but is a refuge to its employees. For most Cast Members, it is more than just having a workplace; it is having a home and a family.

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